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Great Questions of the Bible - 2018
What is in your hand? - Greg Shea
00:00What have they seen in your house? - Glen Tattersall
00:00Is the young man safe? - Garrett Leitch
00:00Have I become your enemy? - Brett Rutherford
00:00Pearls from the Prophets - 2019
Let the wicked forsake his way - Glen Tattersall
00:00My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge - Ian McPherson
00:00The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men - Brett Rutherford
00:00Thus saith the Lord: consider your ways - Andrew Young
00:00Why I Believe in the God of the Bible - 2021
The Bible and Dinosaurs - Brett Rutherford
00:00The Scientific Accuracy of the Bible - Brett Rutherford
00:00The Cost of the Theory of Evolution - Brett Rutherford
00:00Proofs for the Resurrection of Jesus - Brett Rutherford
00:00The Character of the God of the Bible - Brett Rutherford
00:00God's Plan for You - Brett Rutherford
00:00Common Misconceptions - 2021
The Gospel of Christ - Glen Tattersall
00:00The Lord's Church - Greg Shea
00:00The Role of a Preacher - Ian McPherson
00:00Let the Bible Speak About... - 2022
Racism - Glen Tattersall
00:00Feminism - GlenTattersall
00:00Environmentalism - Glen Tattersall
00:00Denominationalism - Glen Tattersall
00:00Baptism - Glen Tattersall
00:00The Chosen Twelve - 2022
Peter - Leigh Stokes
00:00Judas - Glen Tattersall
00:00John - Ian McPherson
00:00The Lesser Known - Greg Shea
00:00Notable Prayers of the Bible - 2023
Hannah's Prayer for a Son - Glen Tattersall
00:00David's Prayer of Repentance - Greg Shea
00:00Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians - Alex McPherson
00:00Jesus's Prayer for Unity - Brett Rutherford
00:00Questions Needing Answers - 2024
Where can I find meaning life? - Mitchell Rutherford
00:00Where is God whe I am hurting? - Mitchell Rutherford
00:00Why are there so many churches? - Mitchell Rutherford
00:00After death, what then? - Mitchell Rutherford
00:00Why Christianity? - Mitchell Rutheford
00:00Evangelism in the 21st Century
Evangelism with ease - Alex McPherson
00:00Evangelism using the home - Ian McPherson
00:00Evangelism among the unchurched - Glen Tattersall
00:00Evangelism as a cooperative effort - Greg Shea
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